Saturday, October 21, 2006

Terrible Day

There are a lot of terrible days here but to spend one day seeing dead people, destroyed buildings and hearing people crying from sunraise to sunset is one of the most terrible days which I have ever lived!

It was same Sun which I greet it when the morning start and everything was going Ok till go to work and hearing bombs sounds the usual thing for all Iraqis, but to see bleeding people on morning wasn't the usual thing for me .... I tried to forget that and keep going ... meeting colleagues at work and all repeat same words " She killed - He kidnapped - bomb in this area - fighting in that area" ....etc make me feel tired and pain ....

I forget all that and tried hard to be away from hearing these events but that doesn't mean that I don't want to feel in what all my people suffer from it , No! I just want to keep going ...

What a day at work ... but it end as usual and I was in my way to home with this bad traffic and a lot of checkpoints ... and so near from my home ... Oh God! the whole building destroyed! and people trying to get the dead bodies out from wreck ... it was about 30 dead burning persons there!! Oh God I met most of those people at morning and now they are just a burning bodies!!

I lost control and couldn't hold myself from crying ... I was so exhaust and tired and decided to go back home and rest... I locked my room to stay away from all family words about this event.. and tried to get some rest .... but I couldn't locked my ears to hear our neighbour's kids and wife when they were crying because thier Dad is kidnapped and they don't know anything about him!

I remebered my Mom words when she was saying " The land is ours , Iraq is ours"... at that day I wished she was here to say that the land isn't ours today!it's the terrorists' land!

I felt sick with a very hard headache... no way must see a doctor! It was break fasting time in Baghdad at that time, roads empty like a ruin area! To see all those people in hospital suffering increase my pain .... I spent the night at hospital because of high blood pressure!!

It's about 11:30 pm when I first hear my mobile ringing in continous way ... all say same words " Are you Ok Nibras?" , I surprised how they know that am at hospital ... I said " Yeah am Ok , what's the problem to call me at that time?" .... a friend of mine said that there is a blast in one of Army Sites near your area so we got worried about you ....

I fall sleeping without thinking in all what happen that day .... it was 6 am when I woke up and feel better ... I decided to forget everything and fill with hope again to start another day in Iraq but don't know till how long I will use same way to pass this crazy situation!

Wish to all innocent people in all over Iraq peaceful days ... and land will get back to us.



Anonymous said...

Hey Nibras!

Great Blog!

I found your blog by seraching and really it's one of the great blogs. Am American from Iraqi Mother. I heard a lot of about Iraq from Mom and Media, wish one day see all wonderful things which this country has!

Please keep your blog great!And hope one day I could know a lot about you.



Anonymous said...

I think while IRAQ can still find women like you that feel for all IRAQIS then the future generation has a chance.
your blogg is fantastic,. you are writing in a second language yet still the feeling ,colour and imagery is so vivid.
PLEASE do not stop writing these essays.They are needed by your nation and God Willing your whole nation shall oneday be able to read and benefit from your reflections
your friend