Friday, September 22, 2006

Message to Iraqis

I spent time thinking in what's the next day in Iraq which I should write about? And in same time feel bad because am always writing sad things …. So I think about new day in Iraq and good one show the good things which happened here after Saddam regime falling.

Am always talking to friends who can see easily that I have bad impact about the x- regime, they always say that before was better and we could feel in peace not like now a lot of death everywhere!

No! It wasn't good before and the proof is what happens now because it's a simple result to what Saddam did in people; so many people outside Iraq – a lot of graveyards – bad services in all sectors – descending in education and many can't count. Iraq was a big prison for his people because of x-regime …
The x-regime make a big stamp on people "Iraqi "… should I say now it was safe there and it's unsafe!

Please let's start again and again but on strong and clean bases even we fail 1,000 times, let's make something and stop moaning and waiting other to do for us…..That what I always say and hope other hear.

I know it cost us a lot of blood and souls but I am sure that most of Iraqis feel the same about loving their country and wish the best for its land.

It's hard and will takes long time but Iraq deserve everything good not like what we see now…. Let's declare cleanliness day; it's easy and will not cost us anything and we will have clean Iraq not like what we see of big mess because of army and police who make us feel that we have a battle every day.

Let's declare green day; it will not cost us anything but we will have Green Iraq like before… flower more better than a bullet and seeing red color in flowers has a great impact not like in blood! Let's fill our hearts with peace so we can get a peaceful life.

Maybe it's rare now a day and most of people frustrate but I can see hope in Great Iraq again in spite of all what happen here … and all should keep this hope for a new Iraq ……

For me I have Iraq again and will work hard to make it great and peaceful again even by simple things which bombs smoke hide and am sure the Sun will raise!



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