Thursday, July 20, 2006

Social Life in Iraq

When we say social life that's mean:

- Meeting friends.
- Special Parties.
- Going to shopping.
- Holidays and weekends.
- Trips and picnics for special places in the country….etc.

All points above and many other things else, Iraqi people start forgetting do it now and become a memories now!!

You always hear people blaming other if they met " why you don't come to visit us" and always same answer" It's a street fighting out there which make us stay at home all day".

Before wedding was a big party full with people in Iraq, now it's a small one include a little number of people because of most people afraid to go out there!

Shopping mean "buy what you want as soon as possible and back to your home".

Don't make me remember holidays or weekends which mean other days of curfew and sitting at home behind locked doors.

To be honest I forget last time when I went for a trip or a picnic!!



Anonymous said...

Oh my god...You are still here and writing!
Nibras, we met on Skype a short time ago, and what with time zones and electrical problems, we rarely connect for more than a few moments. I have not even taken the time to read your postings--I was so worried something had happened to you. Two days ago, the American media reported that in the last two months, 6,000 Iraqis killed--murdered really. And those numbers do not include the people killed by US Army and supporting Iraqi troops. The news this morning is that "attacks are up 40%." That is a chaos I cannot imagine....
As horrible as that is, what makes this devasation more real to me is that there is one person I know in Iraq: Nibras. I will be the first to admit this is a childish and foolish perspective. Does it lessen the pain of the families of those 6,000 people killed, because the one person I know is not one of that group? Hardly. But that one person is a news-line--a life line--for me to reach out to Iraq. A life line for me to do something (granted, what I can do is really nothing), but this line allows me to give whatever hope, encouragement, and comfort I can.

Nibras--whatever else you do, you must continue to write and to speak out. Your perspective is important, and means a great deal...Because you live in Bagdad, you see what you see and you know what you know. And--just as important for me, at least--people who know and care about you need to know that you are not only okay physically, but that you have not given up hope...that in the midst of this nightmare, you choose to hang on to your humanity and your values.

Nibras my friend, the simple fact you exist and continue to tell anyone who will listen your message that a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for, that is the most important thing you can do for Americans; to do for me.

I wish you well, and I am sorry that I do not have your e-mail so I can send these kinds of mushy, sentimental notes privately instead of embarassing you publicly like this....

But I am old, and I both worry and get excited easily. Take care of yourself, and know that you are always in my thoughts....

Bill Abendroth

Nibras said...

Hi Bill!

Thanks to being here and encourage me as always to do the best by your lovely words which I really appreciate it and miss it all time... I was sitting these days trying to write by hand these posts then when get a little time and electricity put it in my blog ...hope we can meet soon on skype my freind... and thank you again.
