Sunday, May 28, 2006

Things Mixed!

I was in my way to work today morning, hard traffic jam as usual and I hear hard shooting! I thought one of governmental or VIP guys pass the road.

Shooting to open roads was really crazy! It was an ambulance with three police's cars; I couldn't see persons in the ambulance but guys at police's cars were bleeding and other seems they died!

I felt so bad and couldn't believe that one day I will see like this in my life! Blood slips from cars and see people dying without any reasons just because they are police officers.
I always holding my camera but really today couldn't take a picture for this situation at all, it was so painfull.

It is a battlefield between terrorists (who really can't understand what their reasons to do that) and innocent people (Police officers, army and civilians).

Things now get terrible and hope reducing and that is not good to live and go on in this life!

I can't understand things anymore and no options for us anymore!




Anonymous said...

Hello Nibras.

I read your article, and really don’t know what to say,
Unlike you I know why these things happen, further more I know how long they will continue.
“Yes I do” they will go on for a long long time, until Iraqis chooses the right side.
Until we are sure and certain that religion is there to destroy our life in the name of god,
The Americans knows that, they are using it to balkanize Iraq.
We are as you see witnessing the Muslims dark ages of the 21 century.
And the funniest thing is we need the Americans badly to prevent us from what so called civil war.
I don’t know what should we call what’s happening right now? Isn’t that a civil war?
Please correct me if I am wrong! Don’t you thing we are killing each other because we are deferent? Because some of us think they know better,


Nibras said...

Hi Amir!

All time blaming American or British ….etc for all what happen here but the only thing that I really believe in; that what happen here is because of Iraqi people themselves, who make any force can control the situation, and this is really bad to see your people killing each other under Islam name.

If you will live in Iraq for one week in this bad situation you will find many of Iraqi people using the situation in terrible ways even it cost other Iraqi souls, they don't care any more.

I had written a day in Iraqi hospital ( I spent it by myself) but really couldn't upload it on blog because it shows how people here become terrorists without guns or bombs!

So I don't blame American or any body for what happen here, I blame myself and my people to allow happen like this.



Anonymous said...

Hello Nibras.

To tell you the truth I don’t know if you are right or wrong.
All I know is that so many parties and countries have an interest in the destruction of Iraq.

I am afraid you are right to blame you self and your fellow Iraqis for what’s happening.
Believe it or not I do the same thing, but why don’t we ask our self’s a question, what made us so rough and nasty? I am not in the mode of answering “”don’t want to step on any ones tail””
However still if we are going to bee a better people then we have to change our ways and understanding.
The Iraqi and the rest of the Arab world problems are social ones it has nothing to do with politics. It’s true that we have been the victims of politics, but that is because we are socially immature which enables the other to take advantage of us.

Nibras I really like to read “a day in Iraqi hospital” if you don’t feel like posting it here
Well you might as well mail it

Anonymous said...

Hello Nibras:
This is your friend Richard, we meet on Skype.
You know I read all of your Blogs, I feel that things have changed for you since we last talked. "Things Mixed!" made me think you may be willing to give up and yield to what you know is wrong, please don't, you are the front line soldier, as are all the Iraqi people, you all have to decide the future of Iraq. People talk as if everyone wants to destroy Irag, that's not true, we all want a free, democratic, self-reliant, wealthy, and spiritual Iraq.
These are dark days for all religions, because a few self appointed leaders have misled the masses, many stand aside while atrosities occur, and refuse to witness to the truth in the name of God, yes Things are Mixed.
I pray for you, your family & countrymen
God Bless
Richard Anderson

Nibras said...

Hi Richard!

Thank you to be here and send your pray to peaceful world.

Believe me am trying hard to keep holding a little HOPE inside me but what happen here harder than thing I can endure it.

Am writing on this blog and loosing my people day after day, just before three days I loose two kids of my relatives in a bomb!

What is the reason to kill kids!

Nothing to say just God help those innocent people to what happen here.



Anonymous said...

I missed you again on Skype, by only 2 minutes, I was busy reading your Blog to my Mother, telling her I hope to inspire you to Blog more. Skype me when I am on, anytime, Peace, jjeanie

Anonymous said...

Ms. Nibras--
We were speaking on Skype, and we were cut off several times. Thank you for speaking out for peace, and for your courage just getting up and going into work--living under conditions that I cannot imagine.

Keep up the good work, and I look forward to your updates.

Bill Abendroth, Oregon USA

Anonymous said...

Hello Nibras.
How are you?
I am worried about you!
Since I check your blogg every day, I would appreciate it if you give us a sign that you are ok

Nibras said...

Hi Amir!

I know it's been long time since I wrote here but forgive me for all that.

I pass through unstable days, make me away from writing here...

I will try hard to add new day...

Thank you very much


Anonymous said...

Hello Nibras
It is good to hear from you.
I know how disturbing these days are, so do not worry, but please be careful.
We all care about you; if I am not mistaken, I speak for every one on this blogg.

Take care,